Hot Stamping & Heat Transfers

   Hot Stamping is a dry painting method where pre-dried ink or foils are transferred to a surface (part) at high temperatures.

       Hot Stamping is a printing method of decorating a variety of products made from plastic, wood, leather, cardboard, and paper with a wide range of colors, including metallic, wood grains.

In the process of hot stamping with a hot stamping press, a die is mounted and heated with the product to be decorated beneath it. A foil or Mylar carrier with the desired color is inserted between the two and the die presses down through it. The dry paint or foil used is impressed into the surface of the product.

       Heat Transfers are applied with a hot Stamping press with a photo EXE to register the transfers so it is applied in the correct location.

       Heat transfers offer:

-multi-color decoration in a single application -eliminating multiple setups needed for other methods of multi-color printing.

       Shapes that lend themselves to Hot Stamping and Heat Transfers include flats, slightly conical and simple compound curves, smooth surface, light textures, multilevel configuration and raised graphics.

One step multi-colored Heat Transfer